Footprints to Recovery is a national addiction treatment provider focused on providing substance and mental health treatment to those suffering through out the United States. Their primary clientele are individuals ranging in age from 18 - 35. The logo and branding were already in place when I joined them as a freelance designer. Since joining, I have worked to update previous materials and create a series of new ones with my own take on their branding. The brand focuses on eye-catching color, high quality & personal photography, and bold use of type. Samples shown reflect print materials and various banner ads.
Footprints to Recovery is a national addiction treatment provider focused on providing substance and mental health treatment to those suffering through out the United States. Their primary clientele are individuals ranging in age from 18 - 35. The logo and branding were already in place when I joined them as a freelance designer. Since joining, I have worked to update previous materials and create a series of new ones with my own take on their branding. The brand focuses on eye-catching color, high quality & personal photography, and bold use of type. Samples shown reflect print materials and various banner ads.